Saturday, May 15, 2021

Lisbon, In Bits And Pieces (October, 2017 and October/November, 2019!)

Why Blog About Lisbon Now?

Our visits to Lisbon were in 2017 and 2019 so Why now? is a fair question. Or rather, two questions:

Why not until now?
-- That's not clear to us, honestly. Our 2020 was spend in only two places, so travel events from 2019 often seem to have happened "just last year" and sometimes we want to think about a trip for a while before blogging about it. But we also recognize that even if 2019 was "just last year" in travel terms, 2017 would still be several years ago. So - not clear.

Why finally now?
-- Friends recently celebrated being vaccinated by booking a Fall trip to Lisbon, Sentra, Coimbra, Porto and the Douro River Valley. We applauded their travel optimism, enthused about Portugal and promised to send links to relevant Travels on Abracadabra posts. At which point we found we had exactly zero posts about those places; we had spent almost four months in Portugal and created only one post about a 2017 walking holiday in the Alentejo region and another about our time on the island of Madeira in 2019.

We Were There -- We Have Pictures!

Small loss to the Greater Blogosphere or our friends -- the Internet offers a lot of information about Portugal -- but we use this blog for what attorneys call "refreshing one's recollection" and our recollections need a lot of refreshing these days. See above re: 2019 having become "last year" for 2021!

So, this is our first attempt to address our Embarrassing Portuguese Blogging Failures - a post about Lisbon.